Madres Solteras (Single Mothers)

Weaving for a better future

There is no assistance for single mothers in San Juan and job opportunities are also scarce. That is why the women took fate into their own hands and began weaving together for a better future. Their strength, hard work and perseverance has given them hope, freedom and a loyal support network. The co-op’s talent is inspirational and their work is breathtaking.

This month’s featured

Skilled, independent and sustainable

They harvest their own cotton and dye their threads with only natural ingredients such as avocado pits and tree roots. They also create their own silk and weave each blanket or throw by hand on a backstrap loom. So much love and patience goes into every one of their designs, as it is a skill that has been passed down from generation to generation. We feel very lucky to work alongside them and contribute to preserving a dying art.

We go and see for ourselves

Like with all the brands we work with, we want to be sure about the production process.  The ethics, fair labour, and sustainable. The clothing should be made with the people and the earth’s well being in mind. Meaning, no unnatural chemicals, and fair labour for the employees.

This was a special trip for us, one of the first brands we started working with. The beautiful clothing, the kind hearts and the story behind Madres Solteras made us fall in love with them. We are very happy to be working together and let the world know a different way of making beautiful things, consciously.